Calendar of Events
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2 events,
Ridgeway’s Rails Restrictions
Permit Restrictions The Suisun Resource Conservation District’s Regional General Permit (RGP #3) has work activity restrictions that may affect property maintenance. Rail Restrictions Exterior levee maintenance restrictions in areas identified […]
Spring Run Chinook Salmon Intake Gate Restrictions
RESTRICTIONS SUMMARY: (Taken from the Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit 3 for the Suisun Resource Conservation District, Page 8, Condition #12 and #13.) Condition #12: "Landowners are prohibited […]
3 events,
Spring Burn Season for Suisun Marsh
The spring burn season for the Suisun Marsh will be from March 1, 2025 until April 15, 2025. Visit our the Marsh Burning section on our Permits Page for more […]
4 events,
2025 PAI Applications DUE
The Suisun Resource Conservation District (SRCD) is pleased to announce the release of the 2025 Suisun Marsh Preservation Agreement (SMPA) Preservation Agreement Implementation (PAI) Fund Cost Share Grant Programs. 2025 […]
NUTRIA ERADICATION Program Temporary Entry Permit and Instructions
CDFW's Nutria Eradication team has recently identified nutria on properties along Roaring River and captured a nutria on Grizzly Island Wildlife Area. In an effort to find the complete extent of nutria present in California, CDFW staff needs to increase our...
Public Notice – SRCD Board Vacancy Posted May 3, 2023
This Notice is to inform the public that a vacancy has occurred on the Board of Directors for the Suisun Resource Conservation District due to a Director's retirement. Applications are now being accepted and should be submitted to the Suisun Resource Conservation...
2023 Spring Landowner Workshop and SRCD 60th Anniversary
The 2023 Spring Landowner Workshop and SRCD 60th Anniversary Party was held on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Please click on the link below to view the workshop recording. Zoom Recording Workshop Agenda Workshop Flyer
2023 PAI Cost Share Program Applications Now Open
The Suisun Resource Conservation District (SRCD) is pleased to announce the release of the 2023 Suisun Marsh Preservation Agreement (SMPA) Preservation Agreement Implementation (PAI) Fund Cost Share Grant Programs. The PAI Program provides grant funding for activities...
Marsh Vulnerability in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary
USGS WERC’s Dr. Karen Thorne, her team of reseachers, and her partners are currently taking a local site network approach to describe current and future conditions and projected responses of coastal ecosystems to sea-level rise and other stressors. The Coastal...
2022 Fall Landowner Workshop
The 2022 Fall Landowner Workshop was held on Wednesday, September 21, 2022. Please click on the link below to view the workshop recording. Zoom Recording2022 Fall Landowner Workshop Flyer2022 Fall Landowner Workshop Agenda
Developing a 21st Century Wildlife Monitoring Program US Geological Survey Researcher Mike Casazza Speaks on the changing needs for wildlife monitoring and the developing technology that makes it possible.
Fun Shoot July 29th
Join SRCD at the the SCF fundraiser at Birds Landing Hunting Preserve and Sporting Clays 2099 Collinsville Rd, Birds Landing, CA 94512 2022 SCF 18th Annual Shoot Social Flyer
PAI Applications, Final Applications Due June 30th
The Preservation Agreement Implementation (PAI) Fund provides grant funding for activities needed to improve managed wetland facilities, operational efficiency and water management capabilities. Instructions for each cost-share program specify which types of habitat...
Recording of April 20th Spring Landowner Workshop
The SRCD Spring Landowner workshop, focused on management and permitting will be help April 20th at F.P. Smith Parts and Equipment Warehouse. Topics will include invasive plant management, updates on current research, and information on maintenance permitting. Zoom...
2022 Pest-Weed Programs
2022 Lepidium Program letter 2022 Phragmites Letter
Delta Smelt Closure Ends May 31
Delta Smelt Gate Diversion Restrictions The Suisun Resource Conservation District will continue gate monitoring for the Spring Run of Delta Smelt starting April 1st through May 31st. SRCD will be checking all intake gates in these designated Delta Smelt areas by boat...
Notice To Public Bidders Due February 15th
ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCEDURES AND OPEN DATES FOR ANNUAL PRE-QUALIFICATION Notice is given that the Suisun Resource Conservation District (SRCD) has determined that all bidders on public works to be undertaken by SRCD must be pre-qualified prior to...
New Diversion Reporting Due Dates April 1st
New Legislation Consolidates All Water Use Reporting Periods and Due Dates Senate Bill 155 was passed by the California Legislature on September 9, 2021 and signed into law by Governor Newsom on September 23rd. As a budget trailer bill, the new law is...
SRCD Fall Science Workshop
Landowner Workshop Agenda and Zoom Recording Watch The Recording
SCF Fun Shoot is July 30th
Find the Flier and Fillable form below: 2021 Suisun Conservation Fund 17th Annual Shoot Social
Marsh Day is June 19th
April 21 Landowner Workshop Recording Available
Access a recording of the SRCD Spring Landowner Workshop here: SRCD Workshop Recording
Individual Management Plan Updates and Public Hearing April 14th
Individual Management Plan Updates When the Suisun Marsh plan was certified in 1977, it required an individual management plan for each private duck club. The original plans used a simplistic cookbook style management which we hope to change to a more adaptive and...
Reminder! Diversion Reporting for the 2020 Year is Due July 1st
Remember to fill out the diversion reporting for the 2020 year. The reporting deadline is July 1st. Your Diversion Right IDs and passwords should be included on the letter that was mailed by the California Water Board. To do your diversion reporting go...