Individual Management Plan Updates

When the Suisun Marsh plan was certified in 1977, it required an individual management plan (IMP) for each private duck club. The IMPs were originally developed by the U.S. Department of Agricultural Soil Conservation Service and certified by the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) in 1984. The original IMPs were created to provide managed wetlands water management guidelines for waterfowl food crop production and habitat management. These Plans had not been updated for over 35 years and lacked flexibility for adaptive habitat management, changes in environmental and regulatory constraints, and did not provide detailed background resources for landowner to reference.

The 2021 update of the Individual Ownership Adaptive Habitat Management Plans (IOAHMPs) provides a more flexible and practical framework for landowner’s wetland management and incorporates new science that has been developed over the past 35 years. Additionally, the 2021 IOAHMPs can readily be updated as club improvements occur, or future regulatory and environmental conditions change. The goal of the 2021 IOAHMP is to provide a managed wetland landowner with an overview describing existing conditions, operations, and guidance to support a diversity of waterfowl and wildlife habitats. The Plan includes a conservation map, soils map, elevation model, summary of water control structures, analysis of the water management program, and evaluation of the current conditions of levees, ditches, and water control structures.


Plan Example and Supporting Documentation

Suisun Resource Conservation District Board of Directors held a special meeting to conduct a public hearing on April 14, 2021 regarding an Amendment to SRCD’s component of the Suisun Marsh Local Protection Program (LPP). The public hearing was continued on August 11, 2021 where the Board adopted SRCD’s Amendment to the LPP consisting of 124 updated IOAHMPs. These 124 updated IOAHMPs were certified by BCDC on March 17, 2022. A management plan for the SRCD owned property, Lower Joice Island, is linked below as an example.


August 11, 2021 SRCD Board Meeting Agenda

April 9, 2021 SRCD Notice of Public Hearing and April 14, 2021 Final Agenda

Attachment A. Plan Example – 424 Lower Joice Island

Attachment B. Signed CEQA Notice of Exemption

Attachment C. Supporting Documentation and Scientific Information

Attachment D. Plan Appendices

Attachment E. Outreach Documentation

Attachment F. ALUC Consistency Determination

Attachment G. Signed Resolution




History of Legislation and Administrative Actions

Appendix A: Legislation, Protection Policies, and Plans

Appendix A1: Suisun Marsh Preservation Act 1977

Appendix A2: BCDC Suisun Marsh Protection Plan

Appendix A3: Solano County Local Protection Program

Appendix A4: SCMAD Local Protection Program

Appendix A5: SRCD Local Protection Program

Appendix A6: DWR Suisun Marsh Plan of Protection EIR 1984 (Part 1)

Appendix A6: DWR Suisun Marsh Plan of Protection EIR 1984 (Part 2)

Appendix A7: Suisun Marsh Habitat Management, Preservation, and Restoration Plan EIR/EIS 2011,2014


Environmental Permitting and Compliance

Appendix B: USACE Regional General Permit 3

Appendix C: SFBRWQCB 401 Water Quality Certification

Appendix D: USACE Letter of Permission Suisun Marsh Dredging Permit

Appendix E: SFBRWQCB Dredging 401 Certification

Appendix F: NOAA Biological Opinion

Appendix G: USFWS Biological Opinion

Appendix H: DFW Incidental Take Permit

Click Here For Permit Forms


Physical Considerations

Appendix I: Levee Standards

Appendix J: Infrastructure Descriptions 

Appendix K: Suisun Marsh Channel Water Salinities

Appendix L: Soils and Soil Salinities

Appendix M: Drainage Infrastructure and Modeling Report 2018  


Biological Considerations

Appendix N: Managed Wetland Conceptual Model

Appendix O: Example Water Management Schedules

Appendix P: Water Quality Improvement Best Management Practices

Appendix Q: SCMAD Managed Wetlands Best Management Practices

Appendix R: Key Wetland Plants and Growth Requirements




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