Permits & Restrictions
The Suisun Resource Conservation District (SRCD) represents and assists the private landowners within the Suisun Marsh on a variety of issues on Federal, State, and local levels. The District provides landowners technical support and assistance in the permitting process for wetland habitat management. The goal is to ensure the wetland and wildlife habitat values of the Suisun Marsh are sustained and enhanced.
For more information on any of the permits listed below, please contact SRCD.
Regional General Permit
Wetlands Maintenance Application – The landowners represented by the Suisun Resource Conservation District and the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife are authorized to work in areas subject to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers within the Suisun Marsh. Click on the Wetland Maintenance Application for details.
- 2016 USACE Actual Work Reporting Letter
- 2017 USACE Cover Letter
- 2017 USACE Maintenance Application Cover Page
- 2017 USACE Maintenance Application Form
- 2016 USACE Maintenance Application Special Conditions
- 2017 USACE Maintenance Amendment Request Form
- 2017 USACE Urgent or Unforeseen Maintenance Activity
Department of the Army Regional General Permit 3 – The California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Department of Water Resources and the Suisun Marsh landowners represented by the Suisun Resource Conservation District are authorized to work in areas subject to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers within the Suisun Marsh.
- US Army Corps Engineers Regional General Permit
- US Army Corps Engineers RGP Cross Sections
- 2013 Regional Water Quality Control Board 401 Certification
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Biological Opinions for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s (USACE) Regional General Permit 3 (RGP3) and Letter of Permission (LOP) for maintenance activities is the Suisun Marsh.
- 2013 US Fish & Wildlife Service Biological Opinion
- 2016 US Fish & Wildlife Service Biological Opinion Amendment
- 2013 National Marine Fisheries Service Biological Opinion
Dredging Letter of Permission (LOP)
The Suisun Marsh has an annual dredging permit to aid Suisun Marsh landowners to obtain material for exterior levee repairs. The permitting process will take place between January thru May with implementation of the program starting August 1 thru November 15 for all approved dredging applications in the Marsh. It is a very lengthy process and annual cubic yards allowed is limited by region. Please contact your water manager if you would like more information on the Program.
- Suisun Marsh Dredging Letter of Permission
- Suisun Marsh Dredging 401 Certification
- Suisun Marsh Dredging 2017 Letter
- Suisun Marsh Dredging Permit Application
The Suisun Resource Conservation District’s Regional General Permit (RGP #3) has work activity restrictions that may affect property maintenance.
Regional General Permit
- Exterior levee maintenance restrictions in areas identified as Clapper Rail habitat between February 1st and August 31st.
- Special Conditions, Section 3 Endangered Species: Part A. California Clapper Rail “the permittee shall not conduct maintenance activities on the crown or tidal side of levees on property within 500 feet of delineated areas known to support Clapper Rails during breeding season. Please review the Regional General Permit 3 .pdf as well as the restrictions specified in the 1994 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Letter.
- 2016 Ridgeway’s Rail Restriction Letter
- 2012 US Fish Wildlife Service Clapper Rail Closure Maps
Chinook Salmon & Delta Smelt
- Gate Diversions for Chinook Salmon and Delta Smelt To ensure compliance with the conditions of the permit, and minimize the entrainment of protected aquatic species, the SRCD and the DFG are required to conduct a minimum of five fall and four spring diversion monitoring checks.
- 2017/2018 Chinook Salmon Restriction Letter
- Chinook Salmon Closure Map
- 2017 Chinook Salmon Restriction Letter
- 2017 Delta Smelt Letter
Suisun Marsh Habitat Management, Preservation, and Restoration Plan
Develop a regional plan for Suisun Marsh that balances implementation of the CALFED Program, the Suisun Marsh Preservation Agreement, and other management and restoration programs within the Suisun Marsh in a manner responsive to the concerns of stakeholders and based upon voluntary participation by private landowners.