Events or meetings that are of interest to landowners and colleagues of the Suisun Resource Conservation District are listed below.
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Nutria Identification
Nutria have now been found in San Joaquin County, which marks the fifth California county (in addition to Fresno, Merced, Stanislaus and Tuolumne counties) where the destructive, non-native rodents have been detected. Click the link for more information on the Identification of Nutria.
No 2021 Funding for Preservation Agreement Implementation
Unfortunately there will be no Preservation Agreement Implementation Funds this year. For details, see the attached letter. PAI Letter 2021
World Wetlands Day — February 2, 2021
February 2nd each year is World Wetlands Day to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and our planet. This day also marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on February 2, 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the...
Suisun RCD Board of Directors Vacancy
Suisun RCD Board of Director's Vacancies
Announcement of Pre-Qualification Procedures for Public Works
Notice is given that all bidders on public works to be undertaken by SRCD must be pre-qualified prior to submitting bids for public works. It is mandatory that all Licensed Contractors who intend to submit bids fully complete the pre-qualification questionnaire,...
Actual Work Reporting is Due November 15th
If you filed a USACE Wetlands Maintenance Application, a Request for Maintenance Amendment, or an Authorization Request for Urgent or Unforeseen Maintenance for the 2020 work season then you must return a copy of that application with the Actual Lineal...
How Fish Interact with Wetland Topography
Check out this podcast from Dave Ayers at University of California Davis. Dave is working with SRCD to study the Tule Red Restoration Project as a Delta Science Fellow. Maven's Notebook & Estuary News Service · SCIENCE IN SHORT: How fish interact with wetland...
SRCD ZOOM Landowner Workshop
2020 SRCD Fall Landowner Workshop Recording 5.30 Klamath Basin Waterfowl Challenges - John Vradenberg, Klamath NWRs 24.40 Management Challenges in the Grasslands - Bob Nardi, Landowner 41.45 Duck Movements and Sanctuaries - Fiona McDuie, SJSU 59.20...
2020 Mosquito Abatement Waivers
Fall Flood-Up Program The Fall Flood-Up Program is a joint facilitated program between the Solano County Mosquito Abatement District (SCMAD) and SRCD. The goal is to reduce production of mosquitoes during the flood up of the managed wetlands. Information...
SRCD Virtual Landowner Meeting Held September 16th
The 2020 Suisun Marsh Landowner workshop is going virtual! The Covid pandemic has forced us to adapt operations in many ways, but SRCD is committed to continuing to provide landowner outreach and assistance through the Suisun Marsh Landowner Workshop. To avoid large...
Tidal Elevation and Growth of Wetland Plants
Along the Pacific coast, tidal salt marsh plants grow at different elevations. The elevation where they are found in marshes is related to their ability to withstand being submerged in a saltwater environment. In a cooperative study led by the U. S. Geological Survey,...
SRCD 5-Year Plan
SRCD Five-Year Long Range Plan January 2019
Conservation of the Suisun Marsh Harvest Mouse – Katie Smith
Conservation of Suisun Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse - Katie Smith
Preservation Agreement Implementation (PAI) Application Deadline is June 19th
The first round of Preservation Agreement Implementation applications has been reviewed, and the the second review has been scheduled for the end of June. Please submit any PAI projects by June 19th! Late applications will be accepted until the original...
May Migratory Bird Surveys Cancelled – Frequently Asked Questions
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has made the difficult decision to cancel participation in the Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey (WBPHS or May Survey) this year that was scheduled to start May 1st. Similarly, the Canadian Wildlife Service and several...
Suisun RCD 2019 Annual Plan
The Suisun Resource Conservation District Annual Report describes the objectives and accomplishments from the 2019 year. See the details below: SRCD 2019 Annual Report
April 22 SRCD Spring Landowner Workshop is Cancelled Due to COVID-19 Concerns
Note: The Landowner Workshop is CANCELLED to comply with Social Distancing recommendations. We still hope to hold the science based landowner workshop this fall.
Notice to Bidders on Public Works 2020
Notice is given that the Suisun Resource Conservation District (SRCD) has determined that all bidders on public works to be undertaken by SRCD must be pre-qualified prior to submitting bids. It is mandatory for all Licensed Contractors who intend to submit bids fully...

Goats in Hill Slough
The 850-acre Hill Slough Habitat Restoration Project on the Hill Slough Wildlife Area is finally underway! In Spring 2019, several hundred goats were hard at work eating vegetation on either side of Grizzly Island Road where road construction will begin next month....
Reminder! 2018 Diversion Reporting is now Available
Remember to fill out the diversion reporting for the 2018 year. The due date this year is June 28th. To ensure that you file on time, check the reporting deadline on the letter that was mailed by the California Water Board. To do your diversion reporting go...