Ridgway’s Rail Restriction
Exterior levee maintenance restrictions in areas identified as California Ridgway’s Rail habitat between February 1st and August 31st. More Information: Rail Restrictions
Exterior levee maintenance restrictions in areas identified as California Ridgway’s Rail habitat between February 1st and August 31st. More Information: Rail Restrictions
Chinook Salmon are federal and state listed species with special protections. The most recent information on restrictions is provided here: Permit Restrictions
Suisun Marsh has two burning seasons in the spring and the fall, regulated by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Each landowner that has an interest in burning needs to develop […]
If you wish to participate in the 2023 Lepidium Spray Control Program, you must provide SRCD with a detailed map showing the Lepidium patch location to be treated, an estimate […]
The Preservation Agreement Implementation (PAI) Fund provides grant funding for activities needed to improve managed wetland facilities, operational efficiency and water management capabilities. More information: Preservation Agreement
Delta Smelt are federal and state listed species with special protections. The most recent information on restrictions is provided here: Permit Restrictions
Join the landowners of Suisun Marsh on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 for a hybrid workshop and 60th Anniversary Party hosted by the Suisun Resource Conservation District! Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86713160463?from=addon Meeting ID: […]