About Us
The Suisun Resource Conservation District (SRCD) was established in 1963 as a Special District of the State of California. SRCD represents private landowners in the Suisun Marsh on a variety of conservation issues at federal, state, and local levels. The goals of the SRCD are to achieve water supplies of adequate quality to promote preferred habitats and support wetland resource values through best management practices.
For more information on SRCD’s current operations, check out our 5 year plan and most recent annual report:
In 1977, the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill 1717, the Suisun Marsh Preservation Act. This Legislation added provisions to the Public Resource Codes related to SRCD’s responsibilities over water management practices on privately owned lands within the Suisun Marsh. Today, SRCD provides the landowners technical assistance in permitting, water control, and habitat management to ensure the wetland and wildlife values of the Suisun Marsh are sustained and enhanced.
SRCD covers over 115,000 acres which includes: 52,000 acres of managed wetlands, 6,300 acres of unmanaged tidal wetlands, 30,000 acres of bays and sloughs, and 27,000 acres of upland grasslands.
SRCD fulfills a role within a larger cooperation of agencies, organizations, and private citizens. Several different environmental actions that have been implemented to protect the ecology of the marsh (Manfree 2015) are noted here. For more detail on the implementation of management practices, check out the Suisun Marsh Plan.
The staff of the SRCD are led by the Executive Director and provide assistance and direction to the landowners of Suisun Marsh to benefit habitat management.
The SRCD board of directors is comprised of five members appointed to fixed terms and is the governing body for the special district.
This section provides links and basic information about the finances of the SRCD.
Enterprise System Catalog
Click this link to view the SRCD Enterprise System Catalog.
Contact Us
Follow this link to our location and contact information.
The Land of the West Wind is the newsletter of the SRCD. It is published and distributed four times a year. Sign up here to receive our newsletter