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Spring Run Chinook Salmon Intake Gate Restrictions

February 21 - March 31

RESTRICTIONS SUMMARY: (Taken from the Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit 3 for the Suisun Resource Conservation District, Page 8, Condition #12 and #13.)

Condition #12: “Landowners are prohibited from diverting unscreened water from the sloughs (listed on page 2) from February 21 through March 31. The purpose of these diversion restrictions is to protect migrating salmon.”

Condition #13: “While the diversion restrictions are in place the Suisun Resource Conservation District and Department of Fish and Wildlife shall monitor gate closures, notify landowners, and take appropriate action on such gates in compliance with the USFW and NMFS Biological Opinion. If an open gate is observed they shall immediately contact the owner and the gate shall be closed.”

This letter is to remind all landowners listed below of the monitoring requirements that SRCD and the landowners must comply with as of February 21st through March 31st, 2025. SRCD will be checking all intake gates in these designated areas by boat for the duration of the monitoring period. Intake gate stem measurements collected annually during the spring closures will be used to ensure that these gates are closed. This letter is to notify landowners, in advance, so proper water management can be obtained prior to these restrictions taking effect. If there are any questions regarding these restrictions contact the SRCD office at (707) 425-9302.

Clubs that have fish screen facilities or intake gates on sloughs other than those listed as areas of critical salmon habitat may use them to intake water during this closure period.

*NOTE! If a diversion is inspected and found to be noncompliant, the landowner will be notified by telephone and requested to close it immediately. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the Army Corps of Engineers will also be notified. Compliance with these permit conditions is essential otherwise the permit for the entire Suisun Marsh could be jeopardized.


  1. Montezuma Slough
  2. Lower Nurse Slough (From the confluence with Denverton Slough to Montezuma Slough)
  3. Denverton Slough
  4. Cutoff Slough including: Spring Branch Slough and 1st & 2nd Mallard Branch Sloughs
  5. Suisun Slough (from downstream confluence with Boynton Slough to Grizzly Bay)
  6. Chipps Island


February 21
March 31